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Pregnancy Stephanie Rattenbury Pregnancy Stephanie Rattenbury

Headaches During Pregnancy


Tension, stress, hormones, dehydration, caffeine withdrawal…  There are so many potential culprits behind those persistent, pregnancy-related headaches.  Headaches during pregnancy are a common ailment that typically peak during the first trimester, but it’s not uncommon to experience headaches throughout the entire duration of your pregnancy.  Now that I’ve given you the potentially not-so-awesome news, here’s the good news.  Headaches usually aren’t indicative of a serious underlying problem.  #Winning!  With that said, if your headaches aren’t manageable and you are suffering from them more days than not, you do want to be sure to bring them to the attention of your care provider. Better safe than sorry is a great policy to subscribe to, especially when it’s your health we’re talking about.  And as always, these suggestions are not to be construed as medical advice and are merely suggestions from my own experience.  Please discuss any frequent, recurring, severe or unmanageable headaches with your care provider.

Try: Mini Can of Coke + A Green Apple

Don’t ask me why this combination works but for those headaches that just won’t quit try drinking a mini can of coke and eating a green apple.  Is it the combination of carbs + sugar + caffeine that makes this remedy so effective?  Who knows and who cares – the only part that really matters is that it works.

Try: Extra Strength Tylenol

For the days where regular ole’ Tylenol just isn’t getting the job done, upgrade to extra strength.  Extra strength Tylenol is safe for use during pregnancy.  Please read the label on your specific bottle, or speak with your care provider, for dosage directions.

Try: Tylenol with Coffee

If your Tylenol on it’s own isn’t getting the job done and you want a gateway option before popping extra strength, try taking your regular dose Tylenol with a little bit of coffee.  It is said that the caffeine in the coffee works to dilate blood vessels in your head which helps to relieve that pressure.  Can’t stomach coffee?  Use another caffeine source. Maybe not energy drink strength though.

Try: Upping Your H20 Intake… And then some

You’ll quickly learn that this is basically THE go-to answer for almost any pregnancy related grievance but the importance of sufficient hydration during pregnancy cannot be stressed enough.  From my experience, even if you think you’re definitely drinking enough water, you aren’t (sorry).  The analogy I always use is to “flood your body” with water.  And if that isn’t clear enough and you need a measurable goal, aim for 4 litres of water a day and then try to get in, well, more.

Try: Peppermint Oil

Just a small dab of peppermint oil on your temples and the back of your neck should do the trick.  As always, before apply any essential oil to your body, make sure you can actually stand the smell first – because once it’s applied, there’s no getting it off until you get into the shower. As a side note, do not use peppermint oil if you are breastfeeding.

Try: Magnesium

Magnesium is the nutrient those of us in North America are most deficient in and being magnesium deficient can cause a few issues.  One of them being – you guessed it – headaches!  85% chocolate is a great food source of magnesium but if you’re looking to simplify your life (and want to save your chocolate consumption for chocolate you actually enjoy…), magnesium supplements are available in powder or capsule form.

Try: Bringin’ the Heat

Honestly, is there anything heat can’t fix?  Don’t answer that, there are definitely some things that cannot be cured by heat.  Anyways, here’s one way heat can help! Apply a hot water bottle or a heating pad to the back of your neck.

Try: Hot + Cold Therapy

Place a cold compress on the back of your neck and submerge your feet in warm water.  Listen, I won’t pretend to know why this works but I suspect it has something to do with sending conflicting signals to the nerves in these areas that gives your body something else to focus on other than the headache.   With that being said, I know many people who have tried this with success.

Try: Massage/Chiro

Not just a frivolity!  There are real health benefits to making massage and chiropractor a regular part of your wellness routine.  One of them being that their body-work through touch and proper ailment can relieve your headaches by easing any tension that has built up in your body.  It’s important to see a registered massage therapist or chiropractor who has experience working on pregnant women.

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birth, Pregnancy Stephanie Rattenbury birth, Pregnancy Stephanie Rattenbury

10 Things To Do In Your Last Month Of Pregnancy

10 things that you might not think to do, but you should, as you approach your due date- and none of them have to do with drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea or packing a hospital bag!

Hitting that final month in your pregnancy is a milestone. Excitement, nerves, anxiety all kick into high gear with the realization that, after all these months of waiting, your baby will be here pretty darn soon. If the month of your due date has finally arrived, these are a few things to start doing in order to get yourself ready for B-Day... and none of them have anything to do with packing a hospital bag.

1. Practice Your Breathing

Hopefully you’ve been doing this for several weeks already but, if you haven’t, it’s time to get started!

  • Concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths. Inhale for four counts; exhale for four counts. Breath in through your nose until you feel your belly rise and back out through your mouth. Channel your inner horse (now that’s a strange phrase) and let your lips flap together. Do me a favour and actually do this, okay? Then it won’t feel so foreign when you’re doing it IRL.

2. Relax Yo’ Face

Training your body to release and relax will benefit you big time when you’ve started the birth process. Why? Because coaxing your body into a state of relaxation is KEY to labour efficiently.

  • Several times a day, roll your shoulders back and pull your shoulder blades down and back. Let your arms hang like spaghetti noodles. Shake out your legs. Loosen your jaw and let your mouth gently hang. Visualize your entire face drooping as a result of being soooo relaxed.

3. Don’t Stop Moving

I know that the last month of pregnancy is a doozy. Things are, like, unnaturally heavy which causes a strain on the rest of your body. You feel sore. Your hormones are working overtime as your body prepares for birth which means you’re exhausted, irritable and maybe even nauseous. All that aside, don’t give in to the urge to spend the next 4 weeks (or so) horizontal. This may not be what you want to hear but I’m going to say it anyways: stay on your feet as much as you can! Stay active to keep your body loose (as opposed to tight). It doesn’t have to be intense to be beneficial! Keep moving in whatever way works for you.

  • Walks - slow or brisk - are great. If it’s cold outside, go to a mall and do laps.

  • If you’re still able to exercise, there’s no reason to stop. Keep goin’, you #fitmom, you! Just remember to be aware of how everything feels. If it hurts, stop immediately. Now is not the time to push it.

  • Pick a few gentle yoga poses and do them every night to keep your muscles limber (also another chance to practice breathing).

4. Rest

So I just finished telling you to not stop moving and now I’m telling you to rest? As much as your body needs to keep moving, it also needs physical rest to rejuvenate itself in order to prepare for the marathon of birth.

  • During the day (nighttime doesn’t count), follow the 50/50 rule - 50% rest and 50% moving. If that sounds like too much, aim for 60/40.

5. Visit Your Chiropractor

Okay, so a little bias of mine (if you want to call it that) is that I love chiropractors, especially during pregnancy. If you’re only going to see a chiro at one point in your life, as you approach your due date is the time to do it. They can adjust your body so that your pelvis is properly aligned. It’s a very gentle process (please find a chiropractor who is trained in Webster’s Technique). Often our pelvis shifts, or even twists, during pregnancy. Making sure your pelvis is aligned correctly can make for easier passage for your baby when the time comes.

  • Time your appointments strategically so that you will be able to get two visits in before your due date (earlier if this is your second baby). Aim to have both appointments completed by 38 weeks or just over. Schedule another one for your 40 week mark and if you haven’t given birth by then (which you probably will not) go to the appointment.

6. Bounce on a Birth Ball

If you can, try to spend around 30 minutes every day on your birth ball. Try a mixture of these exercises:

  • Roll your hips in a circular motion (switch directions)

  • Gently bounce up and down

  • Rocking your pelvis forward and back

7. Wash Your Baseboards

Ok, it’s not so much about making sure your baseboards are clean (although that is an added benefit to this one!). It’s just a really good excuse to spend several hours on your hands and knees which is a great exercise to get your baby in a good position for birth. If positioning is of particular concern for you (maybe you suspect your baby is back-to-back), head over to the Spinning Babies website ( for detailed, step-by-step instructions on their most efficient strategies to help with fetal positioning.

8. Positive [Birth] Vibes O-N-L-Y

At 36 weeks, I want you to think critically about everything birthy you expose yourself to. Positive birth talk and stories only. Let your mama’s wise words come back to you: “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” If this person you’re talking to doesn’t have anything nice to say about birth or their birth experience, it’s time for them to stop talking. Advocate for yourself and your upcoming experience. Tell them you need to press pause on this conversation but will be happy to come back to it after you’ve had your baby. Or just tell ‘em to zip it. Whichever route you go, I won’t judge.

  • Do spend some time watching positive births or reading about positive birth stories. Pump yourself up for what’s about to come. Get excited!

9. Go For a Massage

Visit a registered massage therapist who is trained to work on pregnant women. Massage loosens your muscles, helps you and your body relax and increases blood flow. Plus, it will help mitigate any soreness you’re experiencing. Schedule one massage once a week from at least 37 weeks until you give birth. Keep in mind that registered massage therapists (specifically in the South Delta area) are in high demand. Book your appointments ahead, you can always cancel them if you need to.

10. Forget Your Due Date

The average first time mom gives birth around the 41 week and 2 day mark. The term “due date” is really nothing more than a, half-educated, guess. Knowing when your baby has been gestating for 40 weeks is great. But it does not tell anything about when your baby will arrive. So, for your own sanity, treat your 40 week date as just another day in pregnancy paradise. Don’t count down to it. Help yourself manage your expectations: plan that you will still be pregnant at 40+ weeks.

Here’s a little mental trick: schedule something to look forward to at your 40 (and a half) week mark. Something you can only do sans newborn baby and that’s little more extra than a pedicure. Looking forward to something else beyond baby (not to say that there’s anything that could top the arrival of your new baby!) is a great way to distract yourself. Plus… in my personal experience, every time I did this, I went into labour before I could enjoy it.

There you have it - 10 easy things to do during the last month, or so, of pregnancy to get your body and your mind ready for birth. And if you get to the point where you’re just sick of waiting, I’ve got you. Head over and read my blog post about my Tried, Tested and True Natural Induction Strategies!

Have questions? Just want to learn more? Take my private childbirth education prep sessions. These sessions are in-person (not just watching a pre-recorded segment) and give you opportunity to ask questions or deep dive into topics that interest you. Learn More!

Now get out there and do it, birth boss.

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