A Unique, Hybrid Model of Birth Support…
Three, continuous, layers of support: prenatal, birth, postpartum plus The Birth Hive’s comprehensive perinatal education sessions*
In other words: everything you need to birth like a boss and parent like a pro. Our role as your doula is fluid; it adapts to suit your specific needs as dictated by your personality and your birth.
We work in tandem with your partner not in lieu of them. We are comfortable teaming up with midwives, nurses and doctors, in both hospital or home settings, with the goal that you feel heard, respected and in charge of your birth.
Besides the three phases of support, the package also includes creation of your custom visual birth plan, crafted based on your wishes and preferences as discussed in our prenatal visits (care providers love these!).
Investment with Amanda $1450 + GST
Investment with Lori $1600 + GST
Investment with Eyar $1300 + GST
→ *For $250, you can add on my midwife-approved Birth + Baby Prep Session (6 hours of comprehensive perinatal education - the only prenatal session you’ll need!).
Phase 1
Prenatal Support
Unlimited support text/e-mail support for the duration of your pregnancy
Access to our in-depth email series to help you prepare for birth and baby
2 prenatal visits discussing:
Want to do your prenatal education with me too? Add on my Birth + Babe prep session.
Creation of visual birth plan (if desired)
On call for you 24/7 from 38 weeks until your baby’s birthday
Phase 2
In-Person Support
Physical and emotional support for you and your partner for the entire duration of your birth (in-person support begins when labour has been established + at client request)
Guidance on best time to transfer to hospital (if applicable)
Access to our “doula bag of tricks”
Remaining with you and your new family for one-two hours after your baby is born to ensure that you are settled in comfortably and to assist with breastfeeding if necessary
And more…. way, way more!
Phase 3
Postpartum Support
One in-home visit following your birth to unpack how life is going
“Troubleshooting” common baby ailments
Breastfeeding/feeding assistance, if necessary
Unlimited text support, indefinitely, as needed
Meet + Greet
Just like you wouldn’t buy the car without a test drive, you shouldn’t choose your doula without checking their “vibe!” Choosing your birth team is an important process often based primarily on feeling. We want you to feel confident in your choice to welcome us to your birth team, which is why initial consultations are offered, via Zoom, at no charge. There is no obligation to book following a consultation.
** Prices subject to change