Hey, Mama-to-bee!
Welcome to The Hive. Bee puns aside, can I interrupt your scrolling for one minute to congratulate you on your upcoming birth? Congratulations! There’s nothing quite like the magic a new baby brings to a family. Every time I witness a woman give birth to her child and a child be born into this world, I’m overcome with gratitude that I *actually* got to be present for this amazing moment. Thank you for even considering having me there for this special, special day in your family’s life! Have a look around and if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask!
healthy birth includes a doula
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The truth is, you don’t need me. You have everything you already need to birth your baby.
But what I can help with is providing practical tools, strategies and resources to help you have a smoother pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. How can I be so sure? Well, below are just a few of the statistically proven benefits experienced by women who have used a doula for their birth. If any of these points are important to you, we should talk!
More likely to have spontaneous, vaginal birth
Less likely to use pain medication and epidurals
More positive feelings about their birth experience
25% shorter labours (if you ask me, this one is worth it’s weight in gold alone!)
Statistics courtesy of Evidence Based Birth®
I’m Steph. A lot of my days look like this! Besides a birth doula, I’m a wife (to a man who positively shudders at the very mention of ‘birth’) and mom to three. I’m equally passionate about staying active and eating donuts - or any other sweet treat. When I’m not attending births, I can often be found jogging around hilly Tsawwassen (seriously, why are there so many hills?!) pushing one, or more, kids in the stroller.
“Steph supported me from the beginning stages of my pregnancy until our baby was born. Her knowledge and excitement for birth is contagious. I went into my birth feeling confident and prepared and came out of it feeling totally empowered! She kept me calm and focused during an extremely intense and fast birth. Would definitely recommend!”
the boss of your birth is… you
Ladies, I want you play an active role in your maternal wellness. Like, THE most active role. If there’s a hierarchy, YOU are way up there at the top! Maternal wellness, when a woman takes ownership of her health during pregnancy, birth and postpartum, is the key to a healthy and positive birth experience. As your doula, I support your maternal wellness through:
Education. Supplying you, and your partner, with information that is non-bias and evidence based
Ensuring you are aware of both medical and holistic-based alternatives for pregnancy, postpartum and newborn ailments
Encouraging you to maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise and adequate nutrition during your pregnancy and beyond. Moderation and balance, nothing crazy!
Checking in with you regarding your mental health during this period of intense hormonal shifts
Helping you prepare for the birth you want and also unexpected outcomes
Supporting you, and your choices, during your birth
Staying with you for several hours after you’ve had your baby to ensure you are doing well physically and emotionally
Being a community resource - and friend - for you throughout your postpartum and motherhood journey